There is a lot of talk today about collagen. You can't browse the health and beauty aisle without reading that word on the packaging for many anti aging skincare products and most websites concerned with beauty bring it up as well. You may even have products in your home right now that are designed to build collagen in your skin. You may not fully understand what collagen is, since most people know it is good but don't understand why it is good.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is a protein that the human body naturally produces in the skin and protective tissue. Young humans have a lot of this collagen throughout their bodies, especially in their facial skin. This protein holds the skin tight and firmly in place.
As the years tick by, the collagen content in the skin and ligaments of the body starts to erode. That is when you start to notice fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. This is why older people tend to have looser skin than younger people. It is a natural decrease in the amount of collagen in the skin. Some other skin components start to erode as well, such as elastin.
How to Build Collagen
Since it has been discovered that collagen erodes with time, scientists have been working hard to come up with ways to build collage up through creams, lotions and even laser treatments. The fact that there are grandmas running around who look like thirty-year-olds shows that technological advancement has come a long way over the past ten years.
Rebuilding collagen in your skin so you don't have as many lines and wrinkles can be accomplished rather easily today. It is even possible to firm up sagging skin without undergoing plastic surgery. You do this by adding certain compounds to the skin which have been proven to stimulate the production of collagen inside the skin.
The beneficial collagen-building ingredient being used in anti aging skincare products today is glucosamine. This is a completely natural substance that is produced in the cartilage of the human body. Products that include a glucosamine complex are proving to be very effective at boosting the collagen levels in the skin. These products can erase lines and wrinkles in the skin and tighten up skin that is starting to get droopy.
The trick is to find a high quality anti aging skincare line that includes products for all areas of the face, including an eye cream and an SPF 15 lip product. Each product in the line should include the glucosamine complex so that when used together the entire face is encouraged to produce more collagen. You have to use the products consistently so the glucosamine and other active ingredients get into the skin and build up with time.
Remember, the human body does not naturally produce the collagen that you need to remain youthful and beautiful over the long term. The collagen that gives that healthy glow when you are twenty is not there when you are trying to get that youthful glow at fifty. This means you need to supplement your natural collagen through the use of creams and lotions. The earlier you start with this, the better. The first step is to find a high quality anti aging skincare line that gives the right collagen-building ingredients to every feature of your face.
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