Most people with insomnia or chronic sleep disorders known to be a problem of knowing because of the lack of energy and concentration during the next day. What many people do not know is that insomnia may also have serious health consequences.
An estimated 10 to 15% of Americans suffer from chronic insomnia. And while the disease itself is not fatal can result in a wide range of ailments that can have serious consequences.
An estimated 10 to 15% of Americans suffer from chronic insomnia. And while the disease itself is not fatal can result in a wide range of ailments that can have serious consequences.
There are several ongoing studies are underway to link obesity to insomnia. A Yale School of Medicine has shown a clear link between adequate sleep and obesity. The study has identified the link is in hypocretin cells / orexin in the hypothalamus area of the brain. This brain region is sensitive to stress may contribute to metabolic disorders associated with insomnia and - that leads to obesity. Other studies also show that the onset of perimenopause or early menopause can cause insomnia, which can be a contributor to the obesity rates in postmenopausal women.
A recent Canadian study published in the journal Sleep is showing that suffer from insomnia have an elevated nighttime blood pressure that can cause heart problems over time. During normal sleep the person's blood pressure must fall, as it is at rest. In the body of a person suffering from insomnia, the heart does not have the same opportunity to break that results in the possibility of hypertension.
Then there are the risks associated with lack of sleep with regard to accidents. Over 50% of American adults, 110 million licensed drivers, admit to driving while drowsy at least once in the last year! It is said that accidents due to sleep deprivation are greater than those caused by drunk drivers. People who are otherwise very responsible and never drive while drinking, would lead to sleep!
In addition, loss of sleep is a huge burden on the U.S. economy and is estimated to cost $ 15 billion annually in increased health care costs, car and workplace accidents and reduced work performance.
It is of vital importance to pay more attention to sleep habits and recognize the importance of sleep well at night. Job performance, emotional stability and health are at risk when a change in the short his dream. Why is it that most people do not think talking to your doctor about the fact that they're not sleeping? Of course, the doctor is likely to offer drugs that can be habit forming and dangerous.
If prescription drugs are available can provide short term relief as may be necessary to help sleep back on track. Meanwhile, it's worth the effort of investigating natural methods to improve sleep quality supplements and behavior modification. Understanding the dynamics of sleep is the first step followed by the application of small changes you can make a world of difference in the level of energy that a person experiences. Fortunately, the natural method can cause they need to sleep less and have more energy!
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