The liver is a wonderfully strong and vital organ that plays a crucial role in the promotion and protection of your body every day with a precision of watchmaking.
It has several key functions to perform - which helps to filter and organize the blood of toxic substances, feeding your body the energy it needs to function, protects against viruses and infections, the factors of blood clotting, regulates sex hormones, cholesterol and vitamins and minerals in your body materials.
Only the tip of the iceberg, the liver performs over 500 functions and strange, far more than any other organ in your body!
The need of the hour is to fully appreciate the vital role liver plays in maintaining overall health. The liver is compatible with almost all organs of the body and is vital for survival.
It is very important to understand the critical and essential that the liver plays in maintaining overall health and vitality - only then can you identify activities that help or harm this vital organ and do everything possible to help protect it.
The liver is the principal organ of detoxification and your health and energy are highly dependent on its effectiveness. Any substance that is absorbed by the intestine must first pass through the liver before passing into general circulation.
Treatment for liver care
1. Care of the liver to liver disease called cirrhosis papaya careful --- natural and safe. Mix the lemon juice and papaya fruit is successful in the case of liver cirrhosis. Add (half teaspoon) of lemon juice in the juice (two teaspoons) of papaya, mix well and eat this natural blend of every day.
2. Mixed vegetable juice (carrot, spinach and vegetables) in a ratio of 1: 1 is effective in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Drink a glass of this fresh juice every day for at least three to four weeks.
3. The roots of the dandelion to the attention of good liver. Boil the root (small amounts) into a glass of water for 10 minutes. Your drink is ready to drink. This is one of the useful home remedies for liver care.
4. Taking care of your liver with honey - a mixture of honey and bhringaraj is effective in the treatment of liver cirrhosis and liver provide proper care.
Home Remedies for Liver Care
1. Papaya has been found beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism and malnutrition. Take a tablespoon of ground seeds juice mixed with ten drops of fresh lemon juice and taken once or twice a day for a month as a medicine for this disease.
2. The final eclipta grass, botanically known as Eclipta Alba (bhringaraj) has been invaluable in cirrhosis of the liver. Take the juice of all parts of this plant in doses of one teaspoon, diverse, with a teaspoon of honey three times a day.
3. Picrorhiza known as picrorhiza kurroa (Katuki) is a drug of choice in ayurveda for cirrhosis of the liver in adults. Mix one tablespoon of powder with an equal amount of honey, take this three times a day.
4. Carrot juice mixed with spinach juice has been found beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Mix -200 ml of spinach juice with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a liter of juice joints.
5. Similarly, 300 ml carrot juice with 100 ml each of cucumber and beet juices can be used effectively. The patient should stop taking alcohol in any form charming. One of the best home remedy for liver care.
It has several key functions to perform - which helps to filter and organize the blood of toxic substances, feeding your body the energy it needs to function, protects against viruses and infections, the factors of blood clotting, regulates sex hormones, cholesterol and vitamins and minerals in your body materials.
Only the tip of the iceberg, the liver performs over 500 functions and strange, far more than any other organ in your body!
The need of the hour is to fully appreciate the vital role liver plays in maintaining overall health. The liver is compatible with almost all organs of the body and is vital for survival.
It is very important to understand the critical and essential that the liver plays in maintaining overall health and vitality - only then can you identify activities that help or harm this vital organ and do everything possible to help protect it.
The liver is the principal organ of detoxification and your health and energy are highly dependent on its effectiveness. Any substance that is absorbed by the intestine must first pass through the liver before passing into general circulation.
Treatment for liver care
1. Care of the liver to liver disease called cirrhosis papaya careful --- natural and safe. Mix the lemon juice and papaya fruit is successful in the case of liver cirrhosis. Add (half teaspoon) of lemon juice in the juice (two teaspoons) of papaya, mix well and eat this natural blend of every day.
2. Mixed vegetable juice (carrot, spinach and vegetables) in a ratio of 1: 1 is effective in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Drink a glass of this fresh juice every day for at least three to four weeks.
3. The roots of the dandelion to the attention of good liver. Boil the root (small amounts) into a glass of water for 10 minutes. Your drink is ready to drink. This is one of the useful home remedies for liver care.
4. Taking care of your liver with honey - a mixture of honey and bhringaraj is effective in the treatment of liver cirrhosis and liver provide proper care.
Home Remedies for Liver Care
1. Papaya has been found beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism and malnutrition. Take a tablespoon of ground seeds juice mixed with ten drops of fresh lemon juice and taken once or twice a day for a month as a medicine for this disease.
2. The final eclipta grass, botanically known as Eclipta Alba (bhringaraj) has been invaluable in cirrhosis of the liver. Take the juice of all parts of this plant in doses of one teaspoon, diverse, with a teaspoon of honey three times a day.
3. Picrorhiza known as picrorhiza kurroa (Katuki) is a drug of choice in ayurveda for cirrhosis of the liver in adults. Mix one tablespoon of powder with an equal amount of honey, take this three times a day.
4. Carrot juice mixed with spinach juice has been found beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Mix -200 ml of spinach juice with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a liter of juice joints.
5. Similarly, 300 ml carrot juice with 100 ml each of cucumber and beet juices can be used effectively. The patient should stop taking alcohol in any form charming. One of the best home remedy for liver care.
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