There are several things that can cause snoring and to stop what they need to determine exactly what is causing it.
Here are the five most common causes of snoring ...
Alcohol consumption
Here are the five most common causes of snoring ...
Alcohol consumption
If you frequently drink alcohol before bedtime, a way to see if it could be related to their snoring is to not drink anything for two or three nights. To see if your snoring improves or disappears altogether.
Alcohol acts as a depressant that can lead to snoring. It relaxes the muscles of the throat and neck, sleep more than normal, which can cause the airways to be restricted.
If you snore only when you have been drinking, the obvious solution is to stop drinking. If that is not an option, unless your last drink more than 4 hours before bedtime.
Sleeping on your back
Many people who snore have a problem only when sleeping on your back. The solution to this is to train your body to sleep on your side.
There are plenty of elaborate and expensive devices to help with this, but there is a simple homemade solution that works well.
Put a tennis ball in a sock and pin the back of your pajamas with a safety pin. When you are asleep, if you lie on your back the discomfort of the tennis ball will take you back in your hand naturally.
Are you overweight?
Being overweight is another thing that can lead to a snoring problem. If you are overweight, fat accumulates in the neck and throat, which puts a strain on your breathing by blocking the airways. The obvious solution is to lose some extra weight.
Are you using antihistamines or sleeping pills?
These elements have a similar effect on your body for alcohol - that cause the muscles of the throat and neck to relax more than normal, leading to blocked airways and snoring in the end.
Do you suffer with allergies?
One symptom of allergies is nasal congestion, which can make it difficult for your body to get the oxygen it needs.
The problem here is that antihistamines are often used to treat allergies, which can only exacerbate the problem. You are better off taking a decongestant instead of an antihistamine to help clear his head.
Here are some of the most common causes of snoring, but you should talk to a health professional to have an informed opinion of what is causing the snoring and the best solution for him.
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