Insomnia: Why do women suffer needlessly

The community day care today has been doing an excellent job of raising awareness of the problems with sleep. The pain and the anxiety people have lived with for decades have been the main focus of numerous scientific studies and research evaluations. Consequently, men and women have a variety of treatment options available to them, they were not available to them before producing sleep relief of tens of thousands of patients. However, recent studies have found a segment of the world's population still suffers from insomnia anxiety: women.

Meir Kryger, MD, ex - president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine has been treating more than 2,000 women over 25 years of practice. I recently wrote about the special difficulties faced by women in our culture, sometimes chaotic. These problems have led to a lack of medical care for women, despite their obvious need. Women fill special roles in their homes. Many parenting duties in addition to the task of earning bread for their children. Because of this, many who suffer from sleep disorders seek treatment opt ​​out due to time constraints imposed by their careers and their families.

Time is not the only factor that these women must face. As time passes, the body of a woman starts working against him. Although sleep disorders are common among young and middle age, many do not realize their problems are not normal to warrant concern. Just chalk it up to your insomnia, hormonal changes, menopause, or simply "getting old". Although a sleep disorder solution might be available to them, do not try to find. They even sand € ™ t aware that there is some kind of medical help available.

Sleep disorder statistics show that these women experience problems throughout the whole spectrum of sleep disruption: sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, excessive movement during sleep, and in many cases, night terrors. Unfortunately, these results are not unexpected. In addition to sleep problems, after finally being diverted, they have a hard time staying asleep. This, of course, results in daytime sleepiness, which in turn creates more anxiety, after which the cycle is based on the same night after night frustrating.

Fortunately, there is hope. Behavioral changes and changes in lifestyle can greatly assist in breaking the merry-go-round of insomnia in the evening followed by a long work day dream. Exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality in women of all socioeconomic levels. Decrease the level of caffeine may also help women find the rest they need to carry out challenges in their regular work days.

However, women should be aware that occasionally changes in lifestyle and improvements in behavior are not always enough. When that time comes, women should make an effort to get outside help. Many sleep dysfunction doctors can easily identify the problems of women are affected, as well as medicine to treat the problem. The benefit can be an experience improved sleep and a lifestyle of better quality women are entitled to.

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