Surgery is the answer to your problem snoring?

There are cases where simple remedies for snoring are not going to solve the problem. In some cases the only way to stop snoring is through surgery.

There are several types of surgical procedures to stop snoring. Which is best for you depends on your body and the factors that contribute to your snoring problem.

The type of surgeon to see to know what your best option is to be an audiologist. They specialize in ear, nose and throat. Unfortunately, many insurance companies consider that snoring surgery a cosmetic procedure and do not cover costs.


One of the most common types of surgery for snoring is uvulopalatoplasty, also known as LAUP. In LAUP procedure, using a laser to cut away the uvula (the tissue that hangs on the back of the mouth) to reduce their contact with the throat.

If snoring is caused by the uvula partially blocking the airway, surgery can make a difference.


Somnoplasty is another fairly common type of snoring surgery. This is a trade name for radiofrequency ablation, or RFTA and is a relatively recent surgery.

RFTA is another way to reduce the size of the uvula, minimizing contact with the throat. With RFTA, several sessions may be necessary before you see results. Because it is so new, there are a lot of published data on it yet.

Another recent procedure called Coblation-Channeling, a method that uses radio frequencies to reduce the very fabric of air. This procedure is even more recent RFTA however, again there is a large amount of published data on it yet.


However, another recent procedure called tongue suspension, passing under the trade name Sleep. This kind of surgery keeps your tongue from falling back and blocking the airway during sleep.

A small screw is inserted into the lower jawbone and the points are placed under the tongue, helping to keep the tongue in place during the night.

The final procedure we will discuss is the surgery of nasal deviations. Obstructions in the nose or a deviated septum can both restrict your breathing, leading to snoring. This surgery helps to remove blockages and free the flow of air.

An interesting side effect of bypass surgery is that it can help you breathe better during waking hours. For that reason, many insurance plans cover it.

As with any type of serious treatment, you should always consult a doctor before considering any surgery. Talk to your doctor about your snoring to get their informed opinion of what treatment would be most appropriate for your situation.

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